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Social Problem
We are solving the problem of girls’ safety by making this sole.Do you ever look at someone and just think ‘wow’ let me take off your pants. No, right? Then why are we being thought in such a way? A girl walking on the road is not seen as an independent strong woman and given respect but as a weekend plan. 95 woman are raped everyday. I t is not just rape we also havesexual harassment, marital rape, abduction and kidnapping,assult on woman, sex trafficking and the list is endless.
Product description
Our product is a sole which can be attached to and shoe. In this sole there is switch on the inner side. Whenever the switch is pressed different type of voices will start coming of it like screaming, police siren, etc. So if the girl is surrounded by some guys, on hearing this this voices there attention would get diverted for some some and the girl would get some time to run away and again some time.
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